Newborn Photography Course

confidently give your clients an incredible experience from start to finish no matter what!


Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!

Do you get nervous headed into a newborn session? There are SO many unknowns go into a newborn session from what kind of light you will have to the temperament of the baby to client wardrobe and more.

This course is going to give you the confidence you need. As the expert (yes that’s YOU) you can boldly and kindly educate your clients about light, wardrobe, location, etc and this course will tell you exactly how to do that. I can’t wait for you to dive in!


In this course you will have a behind the scenes look of how I shoot my newborn sessions, how I scout the light and what type of light I love the most, how to best deal with a dark home, how to boldly but kindly educate your clients, 30+ pose examples + a video walking through them all, templates, links, how to start a client closet, and more!


Have you…

  • walked into an at home newborn session and panicked because there was very little natural light?

  • thought that a session would have been SO good if the client’s had worn soft, light neutral wardrobe?

  • ever been nervous working with a super fussy baby that just won’t stop crying?

  • wanted to add extras like hair and makeup and a client closet your packages but didn’t know how to price yourself?

Guess what? ME TOO! I have been shooting newborns for over a decade now and I have had everything that could go wrong, go wrong! I have made mistakes, I have misjudged light, I had poor equipment, I under priced myself, I lacked confidence but I learned SO much from the many years of practice and now I want to share it all with you!


Ask me questions! Happy to chat before diving in. Here for you!